Thursday, October 4, 2012

I keep dancing on my own

Okay. So this is my problem with blogging: I have nothing cool to say unless something significant happens. I don't want to be that blogger that says things like: I just got out of bed and I am going out to eat with some friends and then I'm going to do some homework and oh, here's a picture of me that I want you to comment on... I guess that's why I am having a difficult time with keeping a blog because my life is pretty normal.

But, there is something I want to talk about. Maybe a few things that I want to talk about. Let's have a conversation about change. Things change all the time. People come and go. Someone that was in my life a few months that I thought would never leave is now someone that I rarely speak with. Some things that I did frequently before are things that I will never do again. It is so strange to think about.

Things can seem arbitrary at times; but, I always have a basic schedule. Being in college, that schedule changes every semester. This change in schedule can be seen as positive or negative depending on how the schedule is affecting me on a specific day. Today, I feel positive about it. For the past week or so I have been a stand-in for the Energizer Bunny, I promise. I have been at school, work and then the library. And guess what? I feel great. I feel successful. I am so tired. Sometimes it is a good tired sometimes a bad tired, it depends. On a side note can I just mention how much the word depend has shown up in my life recently? It's interesting.

Change is a great thing, guys. Change can give you new perspectives and realize that things that you thought you would be doing soon maybe won't ever happen. Change can help you realize that you can be happier in different situations. Change can get you to meet inspirational or even terribly depressing people that you would never of met. Change can put you in environments where you hear things that your ears would never of heard. Yeah, that's it about change.

Now let's have another one way conversation where I tell you my recent thoughts about how we treat others. Recently, in my intro to film class there was a situation. I was reaching into my backpack to get out my water bottle. Side note: Water is the greatest thing in the world, not kidding. Anyways, I almost knocked over someone's art portfolio but caught it before it fell. I smiled and said sorry. Although, the person who's portfolio it was glared at me as if I was the department head of their desired degree telling them they aren't good enough. I didn't say anything I just turned around and drank my water.

This interaction was not anything monumental and by no means made me angry; but, it helped me in a bigger way. Treating others with respect is normal to me. But, for some strange reason recently I have noticed in my surroundings that disrespect happens all too often. Now, I realize that we all have our own problems and every once in a while I find myself poking fun at others. This is not what I'm talking about though. I am talking about the people that bump into you without acknowledging what they did. I'm talking about the people that steal ideas and call them their own. Bottom line, don't be unreasonably rude and be reasonably respectful.

I'm done but I just have to point one more thing out. If you know me you know how I feel about Anne Frank. One of the reasons why I love her can be seen through this essay she wrote called Give... "People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcoming, but all of us are born with basic goodness. If we were to start by adding to that goodness instead of sifling it, by giving poor people the feeling that they too are human beings, we wouldn't necessarily have to give money or material things, since not everyone has them to give."

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