After that I decided to clean some pairs of shoes. I'm not sure why, but working at Costco makes my shoes turn an ugly shade of gray. Which I don't appreciate. So I scrubbed with some good old Clorox Clean-up as well as Oxiclean (RIP Billy Mays) to get the job done. I had four pairs of shoes to clean so it took quite a while. I listen to fabulous music whilst doing this. It was pretty satisfying especially after they came out of the washing machine as clean as a baby's booty.
Theeen, I decided to venture into the Land of Netflix to find something to feast my eyes on until I needed to make dinner for my mom. I haven't watched a documentary in a hot minute so I decided on one of those puppies. I have, in the past, heard mixed reviews about the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead but I wanted to check it out myself. It was fabulous. It was about this man from Australia that was overweight and had been on steroids his whole life because he has a skin disease. He realized that the reason why he was doing so poorly was that he was trying to cure himself from the outside, not the inside. So, he came to America to meet with some famous nutritionist to help him begin a 60 day juice diet. A juicer. Fruits and vegetables. And water. That's it.
Guys. He lost 75 pounds. When he returned to Aussieland his colleagues reported that they sensed his ideas came across clearer and his approach to others was more positive. Because of juice. The man also said that he knew he couldn't continue this forever; it was being used as a buffer zone in between the nearly dead him and the new him. That part of his idea made sense to me because everyone says that in the post diet phase you bow down to old habits and gain the weight back. But, if you go from the extreme of eating only fruits and vegetables for sixty days and then eat fast food again immediately, you're stupid. Your body cannot handle the grease because it has become a foreign substance during that sixty day period. Therefore, in this situation, it would be more difficult to revert back to the older lifestyle. The inherently easier decision to make would be to adopt the new healthy lifestyle of mindful eating.
Conclusion: When I venture back to Utah for the new semester I want to do a juice diet. For a few reasons. Honestly, it's not that expensive if you don't use the fancy stuff. And when you think about it using that money that you would use to eat out/for groceries can be used to buy fruits and vegetables. I don't know how extreme I am going to be about this, but I do know that I am contemplating the idea. Also, I want to be healthy. I want to develop the habit of sensible eating now so that I don't become a fatty when I am a mom. I would never let that fear overtake me. Judge me for it but I think it's a good idea. At least for a month or so. The results can only be positive.
PS. In some marvelous beyond marvelous news I found out today that The Perks of Being a Wallflower is coming out in the fall. Hopefully it's a good book-to-movie adaptation because I loved the book.
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