Friday, April 20, 2012

You'd never know just where you gotta go

Yeah, I know. I just did this. The reason why I did this? I still haven't really decided. Maybe it's because I am doing absolutely nothing all day and television doesn't sound interesting. Or maybe it's because my art teacher said that writing is a way for artists to hash out their feelings about culture, art and life. Whatever the reason is I'll figure it out. And I'll let you know. 

So, I realize that this is something that no one is going to read. And if they do, their names will be Amanda or Rachel. My sisters for life. That's fine with me. I think that this is something that I am doing more for myself. One would ask..why not just keep a journal? My answer to this is something that I have decided all bloggers can identify with. Having your person ideas and activities known for anyone to read is definitely exhilarating. That's why I decided to become part of the blogging community I hash out some feelings and let a couple of non-existing strangers read some stuffs about my life.

Finals are over. Winter semester is over. College is so weird. Whenever I talk to anyone about what college as a whole teaches you, I think of the word change. For four months straight, we all do the same thing. We go to the same place at nighttime. We go to the same lectures halls for class each day and have lunch during the same time. You become so accustom to this schedule and don't realize that it's temporary. That blows. It comes to the end and you just say to yourself, "Last day of class? I just recently had to stop looking up my class schedule at night to remember what time I needed to set my alarm." That's how it goes. You finally get used to your apartment, the people around you and the classes you're in and then it's over. It's a learning experience but, it is so detrimental to the sociological part of the brain.

I am going to Texas next week for my cousin's wedding. It should be a fabulous time. I will be there with my mom, who I only saw a few weeks ago. I'll go to a few places I remember from when I was younger.  I anticipate feeling old when, I know, I'm part of the young crowd in Provo. The trip should be an interesting variety of nostalgia, serious happiness and sadness from leaving Utah for a few months. I'll make sure to take notes on how it goes.
